Helping you to overcome heroin addiction through my own experience, strength, and hope.

How can I get through Norco or withdrawal without relapsing?

What to expect in a rehab that is trying to help you to get through Norco withdrawal. For those that are unfamiliar with opiate drugs Norco is the brand name for Hydrocodone. Some people claim that Hydrocodone withdrawal is just as bad as withdrawing from heroin. I am not sure its all that bad but it can be pretty nasty.

Basic recovery tools you will learn how to use in opiate withdrawal rehab

* If you go to rehab they will help you learn some new drug addiction recovery tools and fundamental ideas to help you to stay clean and sober and avoid drug relapse.

* Most rehabs will also pave the way will support groups like AA and NA

* Help you to follow up with a recovery plan for when you leave rehab and go home

This prescription medication is used now days quite frequently in hospitals to treat patients that have recently undergone surgery or being treated for some sort of injury like a sprain or broken bone.

I know for a fact that a lot of Doctors are prescribing Norco too. They seem to prefer it to Vicodin these days which is the number one pain medicine prescribed; in fact it is estimated that in the U.S. alone over 130 million according to a national survey its no wonder we have problems with Norco and Vicodin.

I also believe in a lot of cases opioid medications are being over prescribed. I mean lets just say that for example a person goes to their dr. with a sprained ankle and after being examined the first thing they do is get out the prescription and prescribe a drug like Norco or Vicodin when a regiment of Tylenol and Motrin would have done the job.

Recovery is not possible without complete surrender

Now let me just say that there is no sense in going to rehab unless you have surrendered. What do I mean by surrendering well let me just put it like this when I was using I tried every way in the book to use successfully and I did not find a way.

I tried many different combinations; for example, I would stop using heroin and switch to pills or booze. Nothing worked I was beaten and once I became willing recovery was then possible. So if you have not surrendered I would suggest that you save your money until you are ready.

How to get the help you need in Hydrocodone addiction rehab

Now if and when you are ready there are so many different kinds of rehabs out there that can help you to overcome your drug abuse that its not funny.
What I would suggest is that you think about what kind of treatment you will need and then find the rehab that fits your needs and go!

Me being a recovering addict and having been to rehab before I would look for one that specializes in Hydrocodone treatment because they can help you stop using opiates with a medical detox simply because this technique will help you to deal with and ease opiate withdrawal a whole lot better than going cold turkey at home.

How you can avoid an overdose from opiates

The bottom line is that we can not do it alone we need help so I would get some help right away because many folks are dying on a regular basis from opiate overdose. I have personally lost  a whole lot of friends to the disease of addiction please do not become another statistic.

If an addict like me can stop using drugs and stay clean and sober I am convinced that anyone can. All it takes is a little work everyday and you can change your thinking patterns but the thing is you have to have an open mind because you can not graft new ideas on a closed mind.

Good luck