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How to stop marijuana addiction

I used to be one of the people who rejected the idea of marijuana addiction and I am reasonably sure I am not alone. I would compare it to other drugs that I used like heroin which had a serious withdrawal that made you sicker than a dog when you stopped using it; however, marijuana is really addictive and the person who uses this drug quite frequently should take a look at some of their behavior. How much money are you spending on it and do you blow off things in order to get high. It may not make you sick like other drugs when stopped but it can still have a powerful negative effect on your life.

I have come to realize that people who use marijuana on a regular basis and regular means everyday are doing so to numb their feelings. This way they can go through the motions of life and avoid any uncomfortable feelings; for instance a person feels like they are all alone in the world so they use to cover that feeling up. I was also one of those persons that avoided my feelings at all costs.

It is easy to get lulled into this type of trap without even recognizing it. Marijuana is very good for covering are feelings it can bring us up when we are depressed, relieve us of anger, and is great for sexual arousal.

Well you may be saying then why is this so bad? The reason is that the marijuana addict in question will come to depend on marijuana to control their feelings. Therefore people who become addicted to marijuana to cover their emotions or on an emotional level so to speak. Once this happens it becomes like an instinct that whenever they are uncomfortable they will feel the need to smoke some weed. The reason this works so well is that marijuana changes are thoughts and feelings rather quickly.

I think the real deal is that the addict uses this drug to cope with life when in fact they may say they are just using because it makes them feel good but there is something else going on with them on a much deeper level.

Marijuana addiction here is some ways how to quit smoking weed.

  1. One way is to stop smoking marijuana on your own.

  1. Another idea would be 12 step programs like NA and AA.

  1. I think seeing a therapist is an excellent choice.

  1. There is also outpatient therapy.

  1. Inpatient treatment may be another good idea.

6. Marijuana rehab

These are all good options to help persons stop using marijuana. Some of us may need a couple of these types of help for their marijuana addiction.

Here is a video on marijuana addiction.