Helping you to overcome heroin addiction through my own experience, strength, and hope.

How to stop Injecting heroin in an opiate treatment facility

I have known a lot of people who actually started out snorting heroin and they said that they would never inject heroin. Well after using it for a while most of them started to not get the desired effect that they got when they first started using heroin. This led them to begin shooting heroin. I only knew a couple who actually started out this way who never started shooting dope. The moral of the story is snorting can lead to becoming addicted to heroin. Once we become addicted to any drug we lose are ability to think clearly or the way we did before we got hooked on heroin.

I can not tell you the number of addicts I knew who died from shooting dope all I know is that God chose to spare my life because by all rights I should have been in the happy shooting gallery in the sky long ago. I try to use the gift he gave me to help other addicts get clean, yes I call being clean a gift from my higher power.

How to stop injection heroin

Now if you are tired of using heroin and want to find a new way to live then my suggestion to you is to go to an opiate treatment facility this may in fact save your life because injecting heroin is basically like playing Russian roulette with a loaded gun. One never knows what kind of garbage is used to cut heroin. I have seen it cut with coffee, kool aid, lactose, milk sugar, and a few other things, you just never know what kind of poison some fool may put in it. If you go to rehab you can be detox from heroin medically this will make your heroin withdrawal for the most part relatively painless. It usually takes around 3 to 5 days for the entire detox.

I have to recomend that when you finish your detox that you follow it up with residential treatment. There you will attend 12 step meetings like NA, lectures, recovery movies, and go to individual addiction gunslinger. This should help you to learn how to avoid any tempting situations and urges to use when you leave rehab.

If you really want to quit heroin then you may want to do what I did which was go to long term rehab. In long term drug treatment I learned a new way to live while staying in a safe environment. I was required to do a whole lot of things that I did not particularly want to do at the time like attending 12 step meetings every day plus going to substance abuse counseling once a week and group therapy. I did come to look forward to all of this but it took time. I am clean and sober today because of it and I give credit to God for getting me there because I survived against all odd. 

It has been my experience to see and believe that any addict and this means any addict, can stop using heroin, lose the desire to use, and find a new and better way to live clean..

Heroin addiction video