Helping you to overcome heroin addiction through my own experience, strength, and hope.
All about Dilaudid and how to overcome it
One of the most powerful pain relieving medications happens to be a drug called dilaudid which happens to be the trade name for hydromorphone. Dilaudid is a derivative of morphine and is vary potent opioid drug.
It was first researched and developed in Germany in 1924, it was hoped that it would be Superior to heroin with less side effects and potential for addiction. It was available for public use in 1926. The controlled substance act of 1970 listed all drugs containing hydromorphone as a Schedule II narcotic. The only problem was not long after there were reports of dilaudid addiction being confirmed.
Dilaudid as a rule is prescribed for use in patients with painful conditions like cancer and is used frequently following surgery. They have also proven successful in treating painful coughing and bronchial conditions. Emergency rooms frequently use this drug for things like broken bones and what not.
A few of the Side effects for dilaudid include itching, confusion, sedation, vomiting, dilaudid can be addicting so patients should use caution while using this medication.
Dilaudid is well known in the heroin culture heroin addicts often use this drug as a replacement for heroin. I happen to be one of those people who abused dilaudid on a regular basis. I acquired a dilaudid addiction after using this drug daily for over a year. If you think you may be addicted to dilaudid seek help right away to stop using dilaudid before you get beyond the point of no return there is no shame in admitting one has a drug problem the only shame is not doing anything about it.
There are treatment centers that specialize in helping people who are addicted to opiates you can even detox for dilaudid there without the fear of a painful dilaudid withdrawal and once again I have done that too.
If you do decide to do something about your dilaudid addiction. Get help today!