Helping you to overcome heroin addiction through my own experience, strength, and hope.

Getting beyond dilaudid addiction and finding recovery

Getting beyond dilaudid addiction hydromorphone can be a scary thought to those without the right tools. We've all reached the point where you are tired of living like a chemical zombie which means being beat down day after day and going through the routine of feeding the beast another dilaudid instead feeding of the soul, mind and body. There comes a time when you have to take control of every aspect of your being, and free yourself from the chains of dilaudid addiction. Luckily, there is an herbal solution for assisting your recovery back to a human-like state.

Kratom is a plant that comes from various countries like China, and Indonesia. It has been used for centuries by people all over the world. What it does is act on the part of your brain that is affected by opiates like dilaudid, which deactivates the triggering of withdrawal symptoms in your body. This is only a successful method if you truly want to be free from the hold of opiate addiction. And, it's not advised to take additional opiates after treating your withdrawals with Kratom because this will basically start your addiction all over again and you will have to deox your body again also.

Getting beyond dilaudid addiction

If you really want to take control of your life and overcome dilaudid addiction, you have to realize that you can not live a tranquilized life with dilaudid addiction 24/7. You have to make the adult choice to reclaim your mind. And, Kratom is not some kind of "herbal high" that is substituted for opiates. It is a tool to help you on your journey back to healthy living, without the painful experiences that can occur during opiate detoxification. You can rest assured there is a answer!

If this does not work for you then I suggest that you look into going to rehab. There you can be medically detoxed from dilaudid and taken care of by professional medical personal. A lot of people claim they owe there life to this kind of drug addiction treatment. If you should decide to take the action to beat your habit of dilaudid addiction to do this here is what you can expect to happen when you go. First of all you will be taken care of by a medical staff that has been trained in this area of expertise.

                                             Dilaudid 8

 They will basically be there for support as well as to administer prescription medications to help ease any discomfort you may experience from dilaudid withdrawal. I have personally done this myself. When your detox is complete you will start residential treatment. There you will attend lectures, group, and individual counseling. This is all to prepare you for when you leave rehab to give you some tools to battle against returning to active addiction.

 What ever you do stop using dilaudid now there are a lot of people out there that are beyond the point of no return do not let this happen to you. Here's the catch you must take action if you want to get clean and live a life with out the use of drugs. Why not take the first step today and take action now and reclaim your life.

Good luck

Best way to approach Heroin Detox

Best way to approach Heroin Detox 

If the journey of life has left you powerless in the sudden reality of being faced with heroin detox, you should know there are there is a lot of help out there today and I will share with you some of the many kinds of recovery based rehabs plus heroin detox help options. Many of us feel either a deep shame or a devil may care arrogance when it comes to heroin addiction. But you should realize this is an ancient disease. It has snuffed out countless lives and ended many beautiful dreams. This does not have to be your path. Heroin took my life and my dreams for over 30 years but I am here to tell you recovery is possible.

We have all heard of the person who just quit heroin cold turkey. I happened to have been one of these person that went through it this way and let me just say that it was no picnic. The heroin withdrawals are miserable to say the least but you can beat heroin addiction like this but you will have to take action. What makes heroin cold turkey so tough is that you will have no medications to fall back on when the shit hits the fan. There is an iron will power that seems to appeals to us all because we would like to be masters of our desires. The reality is for every one person that can quit there are millions who cave into the seduction of heroin regardless of willpower. Luckily, there are many options out there to help a person overcome heroin addiction.

Heroin detox

One of the more common paths is heroin detox substitution. Drugs like methadone make it easier for long time abusers to gradually ease their opiate intake. Other drugs like Clonidine or Ibogaine are non opiates that addicts have used to ease the craving. While the results are still to be determined, many claim these drugs have helped them kick the habit.

Regardless of if you try the iron will or heroin cold turkey method or one of the many chemical options, one thing you will definitely need is support. Friends or family are crucial. Switching one opioid for another does not detox your body or free your soul.

Besides handling the physical craving of the drug, you will need a spiritual support system to regain your self. Stay strong and try the support groups like NA. Meeting the other souls who suffer reinforces your desire to stay free of addiction. There you will meet others who have went through heroin detox successfully and are live clean in recovery they will be more than glad to share with you their hopes strengths and experiences of how they stopped using heroin one day at a time. Once again you will have to take action in order for this to happen.

Good luck

The history of Heroine addiction

I was interested in the history of heroine addiction so I happened to look up the word heroine online the other day this is one of many examples I found but I really liked this example a woman who is idealized for having superior qualities. Well I certainly would have to agree with this because she certainly does. Heroine addiction affects all walks of life from your CEO to your upper middle class no one is really immune or basically effected in some way or another by this insidious disease.

This type of addiction does not care whether you came from park place or park bench. Heroin overdose is on the rise because it seems it has found some new victims to claim, that's right a lot of are young folks have started smoking heroin they like this too because they call it "chasing the dragon" and think this is cool it won't be so cool when the dragon rears it's ugly head and takes a bite out of there behind. One reason for this is the purity of heroine has increased also over the years. When I started using you had to know the right people to get good dope. This does not to seem to be the case these days.

One thing I know for sure is that if you use heroine for any length of time sooner or later you are going to run out. Ether you will run out of money or whatever but you will run out when this happens you are going to go through heroine withdrawal whether you like it or not.

Heroine had the quality to become my mistress for sure and she kicked my butt every time and treated me like a red headed step child. She raped me of all my dignity as well as took all my money. She also came between me and my loved ones and kept me in and out of jail yes she does have superior qualities and all of them are meant to destroy and end up killing you with a heroin addiction.

                      Dilaudid kit

Heroine addiction
 I think maybe the first time I tried heroin I was around 17 years old and it made me puke my guts out. I never used it again for quite a long time. Any way and addiction to dilaudid changed that in a hurry because I knew a guy that had them so I tried them out and I ended up using dilaudid every day for a year.

I used to also play around with methadone programs when I ran out of heroine not really wanting to stop using heroine just wanting something to tide me over until my next run. I believe it was around a 2 years after initially trying this drug that I acquired a heroine addiction.

This came about from shooting heroine every day for well over a year this is when I actually realized I may had a heroin addiction for real because every time I ran out I would start to go through heroine withdrawal. I tried many times unsuccessfully to kick heroin but I could never stay clean more than a week or two. I did numerous heroin detox's from heroin countless times only to get out and use again sometimes right after leaving rehab the same day. That’s pretty sick what I mean by this is going to heroin adddiction rehab to get help for the withdrawal get clean and go use the same day. I called it a relapse but I am not sure if it is worthy of being called a relapse because I did not aquire any clean time so to speak. We have to learn how to live life on life's terms if we are ever to learn how to beat  heroine addiction.

How to overcome heroine addiction

I did not get clean and stop using heroin for real until I was beaten down real good then I entered long term drug rehab for heroin addiction help. Long term treatment usually lasts anywhere for 6 months to 2 years. I made up my mind that I really needed to change so I stayed the full 2 years. I would not hesitate to suggest this to anyone who sincerely wants to stop using heroin.
I will close here rehab changed my life and everything about it. I am clean today because of this and you can beat heroin addiction too. All you have to have is the desire to stop using heroin and then take the action to do so.

Good luck

Dilaudid addiction detox doesn't have to be painful

Dilaudid addiction detox doesn't have to be painful

If you are unlucky enough to have to deal with dilaudid addiction hydromorphone, then you want to read this information. There is hope for those wanting to get off of Dilaudid. You just have to be informed about what is out there to help. Addiction can be one of the hardest things in life to overcome, but it can be done. You do not have to go through an extremely grueling process of pain either. Nature has given you what you need to overcome dilaudid, and become the human being you used to be.

After a number of years battling opiate addiction, I felt it would be a lifelong battle. It wasn't until two years ago, when I found a herb called "Kratom" at my local herb store. The store carried a lot of plants and medicines that claimed to help with certain problems like anxiety sleep disorder, etc. When I asked the clerk what this Kratom stuff was, he told me to read up on it and come back if I wanted to try it. So, I took his advice and found that this plant was used for centuries for opiate addition. I figured that it was a gimmicky marketing ploy for desperate individuals in need of relief. What I found was far from that.

How to to overcome dilaudid

After picking up a small bag of crushed Kratom leaf, I followed some instructions I read online on how to use it. Some people make a tea from the plant matter, but I found it easier and more effective to simply wash down with fruit juice. It was kind of hard to get down, and I wondered if it would be worth it at all. About an hour later, I started to feel really energized. And, my dilaudid withdrawal symptoms seemed nonexistent. I was absolutely taken back from what I was feeling. This was a pure and very emphatic experience which I wished that I had known about years ago.

Now for two years straight, I've been completely clean from the hold of dilaudid addiction. Not only did Kratom knock out my withdrawals, it has kept me on the right path in life. Any time that I feel the urge to slip in to my old ways, I just order some powdered Kratom leaf. Free yourself too!

                                            4 mg dilaudid

One way that I have tried for opiate detox and I know that it works is to attend the 12 step meetings of Narcotics Anonymous. NA meetings can be found around the world. Who would have though that this program would have become world wide? Anyway I would recommend attending meetings daily and if you are just getting clean I suggest that you attend a minimum of 90 meetings in 90 days. This will help keep your mind off of using heroin and your heroin detox. I would suggest that while attending these meetings that you get several phone numbers and use them whether you feel like calling someone or not. It is good practice to call other members and get in the habit so that when they day comes that you want to use you will not have a problem calling someone in the fellowship for help.

 I also suggest that you get a sponsor look for the person whose story you may have related to or it could be someone you that you want what they have my suggestion is to ask them if they will sponsor you. Do not get discourage if they say no. They may already have enough people to deal will. Just ask someone else.

Heroine Addiction A Major Problem of Society

Heroine Addiction A Major Problem of Society

One of the most habit forming and fast acting illegal drugs that is a monster to kick and this may be putting it mildly is heroine addiction. The spreading epidemic of heroine addiction dissects across all social classes, and race lines, making it difficult to contain and causing health professionals and authorities to become increasing concerned. It not only disrupts the lives of the addict but also those who are close to them. Many end up doing a lot of time in prison for a drug related crime or die from heroine overdose. It took me over 30 years to stop using heroine.

Heroin is synthesized from morphine, which occurs naturally in poppy plants. Its drug classification is an opiate and a depressant. The color of heroin can vary greatly from a white powder, to an off white powder, or brown or black sticky substance, with a street name of black tar heroin.

                                        Black tar heroin

 It is usually cut with another substance such as sugar or starch which lowers the potency. Most street users do not know the exact level of strength of heroin they are using when shooting heroin. This does not bother the addict even though every time they shoot their dope it is like playing Russian roulette.

The largest producers of heroin are Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Mexico, and Columbia. Each of these areas uses a specific method to procure the heroin. The DEA conducts the Heroin Signature Program to determine the origins of the confiscated drugs. They also test the drug for purity.

The long term affects of heroin use are severe and long term. The most obvious harmful effect of heroin use is the addiction itself. The repeated use causes a physical dependence and an increased tolerance to the drug. Withdrawal can happen in as few as a couple hours after the last uses and this is one reason why heroin have a healthy fear of heroin detox. Many abusers of heroin inject the drug that causes the spread of HIV or hepatitis.

Now if you want to get help for this insidious addiction or disease I would recommend going to heroin addiction rehab. The reason I say this is because in this type of treatment setting you will be monitored around the clock by a trained medical unit. They will administer medications to help you with your heroin detox. A lot of people including myself claim they suffered very little during from there withdrawal. The thing here is that you must take action in order for this to happen. The entire heroin detox usually is completed in less than a week. I would however suggest that upon completion that you continue your recovery in residential treatment anyway that’s what the winners do that remain clean after leaving rehab for any substantial amount of time. If you choose not to go you are going to relapse and there is no doubt in my mind about that I have seen it time and time again.

Hydromorphone- Dilaudid addiction can be overcome with drug addiction help

Addiction to Hydromorphone Dilaudid

Hydromorphone is a very dangerous and potent painkiller. Dilaudid which contains Hydromprphone comes in many different forms such as pill form, liquid, and shot in the buttocks or hip area and an I.V. drip. Hydromorphone is very addicting, so when using Diaudid you should follow the doctor’s orders.

The way that Hydromorphone works is that it inhibits pain in the central nervous system and increases your pain tolerance and alters your pain perception. If you do develop an addiction to Hydromorphone it is very important that you seek a medical detox to help you with the withdrawal process. Also if you feel that you may be starting to become addicted to dilaudid you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.

Getting through dilaudid withdrawal

Now every one that becomes addicted to this drug were not using them off the streets like some addicts do. I know for a fact that heroin addicts love this drug and where ever you can find heroin these pills will not be far behind.

I used dilaudid as a secondary drug incase I ran low on heroin because 30 years ago you could buy them with the change you had in your pockets. Some would call this the good ole days but I have learned to tell the truth most of those days were pure D shit.
Back to what I was saying some people come by their addiction legitimately. That’s right many people were introduced to dilaudid after a surgery or severe injury and were taking them for pain and one thing led to another and before you know it they were addicted.

Now they too have to figure out how to overcome this nasty drug and find drug addiction recovery. Now this is no easy matter but trust me anyone can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use drugs, and find that life is better without them.

My suggestion to anyone who is addicted that it does not matter how or why you became addicted to drugs what matters is that you want to do something about it. This basically means you have a desire to change. So if you have the desire to change now is the time to stop using drugs.

This can be done in many opiate rehabs around the country and as a matter of fact many of them offer a medical dilaudid detox. Now if you have ever been through dilaudid withdrawal then you know what a relief it is to be deoxed like this. I have been detoxed this way many times and I can say this that once the medication used for the withdrawal kicks in you will not suffer at all.

Do not waste anytime getting your drug addiction help because if you continue to use there is no telling what kind of consequence you will have to face but I can tell you this none of them will be to your liking. Many people have said oh I will quit drugs tomorrow I just want to get high one more time and guess what it was there last time because they died from a drug overdose or complications of addiction.

How to overcome Dilaudid addiction

                                        Dilaudid 4 mg

Some of the signs that you or someone that you love may become addicted to Hydromorphone are vomiting, nausea, irritation, sweating, tremors, shaking, and flu like symptoms. Also if you or someone you love becomes obsessed with getting the drugs then you know right there you have a serious problem with dilaudid addiction.

There are many people who say that they have become addicted after just one use. This was not they case for me they made me sicker than two dogs and I puked my guts out but that did not stop me from using them. I did eventually realize that I had a  dilaudid addiction after continued use for over a year. Don’t get me wrong I was addicted long before that but looking back that’s when I can see the unmanageably the best.

Hydromorphone-Dilaudid addiction

When you become addicted to this drug the withdrawal symptoms are the same as with most other opiates. The dilaudid addiction withdrawal symptoms are in the same category as those from Oxycodone and Vicodin. The symptoms that you will have to deal with will depend on the amount of time you were on the drug and as well as the length of time and how many milligrams you were using per day. Never mix Dilaudid with any other opiate drugs or alcohol because it can be fatal or cause a dilaudid overdose.

There is all kinds of help out there for addicts today so there really is no excuse not to stop using dilaudid. You can even look on the internet for a rehab in your vicinity or better yet ask someone who has been. They will be able to give you the lowdown and what you can expect. One thing in order to make this happen you are going to have to get up off the couch and take action.

Good luck

Dilaudid addiction video 

Heroin Detox Help can help you overcome opiate addiction

Heroine is a highly addictive opioid. Finding Heroin detox help isn't hard, but finding the right help for you is important. A heroine addict's nervous system is accustomed to taking high doses of heroine. Therefore, heroine detox can cause an excruciating withdrawal. Withdrawal from heroine will usually begin to occur within twelve hours of not using. Some of the symptoms of heroine detox can include nausea, anxiety, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sniffling, sneezing, insomnia, extreme irritability, depression, vomiting and even death if you happen to be in poor health you will defiantly want a medical heroine detox.

For these reasons, heroine addicts have a high dropout rate, when it comes to rehabilitation in fact; many heroine addicts prolong getting proper help due to the fear of heroine withdrawal. The reason for this is mostly due to rumor of how bad it is. Don’t get me wrong kicking heroine cold turkey will be a rough ride but many addicts have got clean this way because they could not afford conventional rehab where they can actually have a safe opiate detox.

                            Heroin detox help

Some people who have a heroine addiction choose to go through an extremely rapid detoxification process that is performed under anesthesia. While this may seem like an easy out, there are risks involved and this can be an extremely expensive procedure, sometimes costing as much as twenty thousand dollars and you could actually die from being under too long. This almost sounds to good to be true.

One way that I know that works for sure to stop using heroin is to go to heroin addiction rehab. If you really want to get help and are tired of the lifestyle that you are living then I would suggest that you give this some serious thought. If you do decide to kick heroin like this then you will have a medical heroin detox. What this means is that a staff of trained professionals will administer prescription medications like subutex and suboxone to help control your heroin withdrawals. This type of detox takes up to 5 days.

I would also suggest that you continue with your recovery plan in residential treatment. There you will be exposed to other addicts who are trying to get some heroin detox help. While there you will attend 12 step meetings like NA and AA plus group, lectures, and individual drug addiction therapy. This is all to prepare you to stay clean when you leave rehab.

Good luck

Heroine detox for those that want to beat drug addiction

For those may have a drug habit to the drug heroin you will need to be detoxed from it if you want to be free from addiction and start a new life.

Now detoxing from heroine can be challenging to say the least. One will expertise some very intense withdrawals during this process. A lot of drug addicts never get this far because of this. The person who is kicking heroine can expect to experience these heroine withdrawal symptoms during heroine detox. stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, anxiety, body aches and pains, restlessness, irritability


Stomach cramps

Body aches and pains






Heroine detox for those that want drug addiction help

Ok there are a couple of methods you can use to stop using heroin. The first option is going to be heroine detox at home. This type of cold turkey detox is rough and there is little that you can do to help without prescription medication. The only thing you can do is grit your teeth and ride it out. A lot of people use over the counter medication to help reliever the aches and pains of withdrawal. One thing you can get to help with anxiety and to help sleep is Benadryl and Immodium for diarrhea. Maybe some Motrin to help with the leg cramps. That is pretty much the extent of it.

Try to get as much sleep as you can and drink a lot of fluids because I doubt you will be eating much. Just remember that heroin withdrawal is not life threatening. You have to realize that you are not supposed to feel good during this. Maybe that’s a good thing because if you can remember how miserable you were you may think twice before using again.

Drug rehab heroine detox

This is the best choice for many addicts because a medical staff can help treat your heroine withdrawal symptoms. This is far better than the home technique because you will be given prescription medications to help ease the pain of  withdrawal. Now keep in mind that this type of rehab does not come cheap in fact it is rather expensive but in my opinion well worth it. OK when your detox is complete I recommend that you continue on in residential treatment this will help prepare you for when you leave drug addiction rehab. Now the choice is yours to make both of these methods have been tried an proven to work but you will have to take action if you want to stop using.

Good luck

Getting Heroin addiction help in a opiate rehab

I can tell you this that as far as heroin addiction help is concerned rehabs recent advances in the treatment of drug dependency have resulted in more heroin addiction help than ever before. Addiction to heroin is a very serious medical and psychological problem. Heroin is a member of the opiate family, and this family is an incredibly addictive, effective painkiller. The typical user may use heroin recreation for a week or less, before progressing to a full blown addiction. That’s not really how it happened for me but I have known it to happen just like this in many instances. So you may want to keep this in mind you are a recreational user. If this happens to you keep reading because I will let you know of a few ways in which you can detox heroin.

There are several methods to help an addict recover and stop using heroin. Two similar possibilities are Suboxone or Subutex. Both of these medications are available by prescription only, and are sublingual tablets designed to relieve the cravings as withdrawal symptoms increase. Subutex has an active ingrediant of buprenorphine HCl and is usually administered by a physician, whereas Suboxone is comprised of both buprenorphine HCl and naloxone HCI dihydrate and can be given at home. Both of these have been successful treatment options. I will say this suboxone treatment for heroin withdrawal.

Heroin addiction help

A method that more people are familiar for heroin addiction help with involves the use of methadone. Methadone is a synthetic opioid that relieves symptoms of withdrawal symptoms for addicts. This analgesic was created in 1937 in Germany and produces similar symptoms to the opioid. It is not known to have any effect on patients withdrawing from narcotic addiction. Methadone is available in a sub lingual tablet, a typical pill, and two separate liquid medications.

Anyone recovering from heroin addictions taking the first step in a very difficult trip. Having a relapse is common, but the most important thing that can be done is to begin again with your recovery. I can not begin to tell you the number of times I have done this but like I said the most important thing is that you keep coming back!!

Overcome heroin addiction
Lastly with all the rehabs today opiate addiction can be treated in many ways; for instance, heroin addicts can go to there own type of treatment center to overcome heroin addiction and this is called heroin addiction rehab. In this type of setting the addict will be medically detoxed to help them be more comfortable during heroin withdrawal. I am old school so I kicked heroin a lot cold turkey but this is not to say that I have not went to my share or treatment centers for heron detox.

Here's the trick you must take action if you want to stop using heroin but I will tell you this that your life will change and just maybe your lost dreams will awaken. Any addict that is listen now any addict can stop using, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live. This includes you too! Why not stop using now and get some heroin withdrawal today.

I stop using heroine and went back to college I am currently in the Social Work program and will be getting my bachelors degree in the near future. I like to write about this to encourage others that they can change their life to and go back to school if they choose. In my opinion anyone can find some heroin addiction help and overcome heroin addiction and find a better way to live.

Finding the Right Opiate Addiction Help may save your life

When opiate dependency has became a problem in your life or the life of a loved one, finding the right opiate addiction help can seem frightening. Nevertheless, there are some very great treatment options available. You should never let the treatment process scare you out of getting the help that is needed. This the reason why many heroin addicts never go into rehab to detox heroin.

I would recommend that you research within your community to see what is available locally. This is the route that most people take when seeking help. Not everyone is a movie star that can afford the ritzy, spa like treatment centers. For most of us that is extremely out of our league and price range. Local facilities can offer some very good treatment options that are just as effective for any type of opiate detox you may need when it comes to beating opiate addiction.

 Find the right opiate addiction help and beat opiate addiction

If you do decide that getting away from your hometown is best, searching online is a great way to find information. One great thing about trying to learn more this way is the fact that it is completely confidential. You don't have to call and ask questions or give information to anyone that you don't want to give it to. Most treatment facilities do have some kind of website so that you can learn more about their rules and ways of treating opiate addiction dependency.

Don't get discouraged or overwhelmed with looking for treatment. If you or someone you love is addicted to opiates, it is worth all the effort in the world to get back your life. This is just a step in the whole process of life that one must endure to reclaim it. I would start looking today in fact why not start when you finish reading this post.

I went to long term drug rehab and it changed my whole outlook on life as a matter of fact I am attending college write now and will be getting my degree in Social Work sometime in the near future. This is my main reason for writing to encourage others that they can change their life and just maybe follow some of their lost dreams! I give credit to God and long term drug rehab for saving my life!

Good luck

Getting the best Opiate addiction help and treatment in drug rehab

Opiate addiction among teens and young adults is on the rise. Opiates are considered be narcotic analgesics and are highly addictive when taken recreational. They include drugs such as heroin, which is a semi synthetic street drug derived from morphine. Other drugs in the opiate family are legal and are available by obtaining a prescription from a licensed physician, although addicts will find ways around that. These drugs include, but are not limited to, codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, and fentanyl. If you think you may have become addicted to opiates then you should by all means go to treatment for an opiate detox. There you can overcome your opiate addiction.

How to handle opiate withdrawal

Most people who become addicted to opioid's do so because of a legit medical reason which fostered the use of such a drug in the first place. Whether it be from a broken spine, broken rib cage or anything associated with pain, sooner or later, patients will find that doses that worked before, no longer work. This is called tolerance, where you have to take higher doses to receive the desired effect. Sometimes doctors will up the dosage in the case of those people who need pain management. When they suddenly stop them they will be very uncomfortable and will have to learn how to deal with opiate withdrawal. This is quite painful without the proper treatment.

Addicts, however, will resort to doctor shopping, multiple ED visits, or even getting by on a misdiagnoses, taking advantage of the diagnoses to obtain narcotic painkillers. Law enforcement agencies refer to these methods as drug diversion, because so many people go and obtain these prescriptions to sell them on the streets for a heftier price. There has been several cases of husband and wife teams of doctor shoppers that visit multiple facilities in one day just to obtain a prescription for Vicodin. Hospital staff refer to these people as "drug seekers". This was me in a nutshell. I would go from Dr to Dr and when one cut me off I would replace them with another. I also had other people getting them for me.

Overcome Opiate addiction

For an addiction to such a powerful class of drugs such as opiates,you will notice some opiate withdrawal symptoms include agitation, anxiety, redness in the face, nausea, sweating, muscle aches, and abdominal cramping. It has been proven that people who take opiates in higher doses are 9 times more likely to overdose.In other words you defiantly need to think about the kind of dangerous life that you are leading. It has been my experience that any addict can stop using drugs and find a new way to live you can too!

How to beat opiate addiction
There is help out there today for the suffering addict and they can learn how to beat opiate addiction.

If you think you may have a problem with opiates I would recommend that you go to opiate addiction treatment. There you will be medically detoxed from what every type of opiate you were using including heroin because heroin is an opiate drug and for this they will do a medical heroin detox. Give yourself a break and stop using opiates today.

Heroin addiction is hard on the family as well as the addict

Heroin Addiction is for most people a nightmare that you never wake from however it is possible to awaken from this nightmare and stop using heroin. I don't know that I became addicted to heroin the first time I tried it. I would have to say it was more of a progression. Matter of fact I don't think I liked it too well all I remember is really being sick and puking a lot. I started using heroin when I was around 16 and it took a whole lot of rehabs to get clean and get it right.

I have seen people overcome heroin addiction there first time around and they now have multiple years clean. I just was not one of them. I had to try to find the easier softer way by switching drugs and trying to just drinking alcohol. Believe me I have tried it all. It usually ended the same way either with me in jail or being dope sick.

I think anyone can get clean and stay clean on their first attempt if they take action to change their life. I believe it is necessary to have a plan for your recovery from heroin addiction. Make a list of the things you are will to do for your recovery and go over it with a sponsor. If you do not have a sponsor I would suggest that you get one. There are many available around the tables of NA and AA. It can also be found online at

Once you have your life changing plan make a commitment with yourself and your sponsor to do everything on it and stick to it.

How to beat Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction is a serious issue but there are many places and resources to get heroin addiction help. Firstly, there are many addiction hot lines that one can all to get help with this or any serious addiction. The phone number for one of these hot lines is (877)-520-3456. Counselors are available at this hot line twenty four hours a day and seven days a week and are always willing to talk to and guide an addict or a person dealing with an addict. The hot line can help a person wanting to recover from heroin addiction by helping them to find a heroin addiction rehab program as well as simply being there when the addict needs somebody to talk to.

There are many rehabilitation programs nationwide, also. One example is the 12 Palms Recovery Center which is located in Florida. This program will help a person struggling with an addiction by offering both inpatient or outpatient counseling and support. There are also websites dedicated to helping people with addictions come together and seek help or give help. An example of this sort of website is one of these sites is called this is a social networking site where addicts can speak about their current or past problems. 

There are also heroin detox programs available for people who are severely addicted to heroin and have exhausted their bodies and minds. An example of this type of program would be heroin rehab. There they will use integrated medicine to help one overcome addiction. Detox is a medically supervised procedure that helps the body to get rid of toxins faster and more easily than just letting a body do it naturally. These are a few of the many ways to get help with a heroin addiction.

Natural heroin detox may be the solution to overcome heroin addiction

I found a real solution for natural heroin detox.

For anyone who has been through it, heroin detox always was the most dreaded thing on earth. They came from abusing something that we had no respect for in terms to the toll it could take on our bodies. The last thing on earth you ever would want to rely on for relief is another drug of equal magnitude. Methadone and Suboxone are plain evil in my eyes. This comes from having had to use them before, not from some 'high and mighty' place of self-righteousness. It wasn't until the very end of my battle with opiate withdrawals that I found an oddly kept secret a way I like to call natural heroin detox.

About two years ago, I found a mystic Shoppe that offered many different natural alternatives to modern day medicine. And, right off the bat, I was skeptical to say the least. But, after getting some user recommendations from people whose opinion I trust, I purchased a bag of Kratom in leaf form. I was absolutely sick of the damage I was doing to not only my body, but my soul. The days of euphoric bliss were evolved into a waking nightmare, and this is where it all ended for me.

I downed this Kratom leaves, trying to avoid the choking of crushed leaves with a weak gag reflex. Thinking that maybe the only thing that would be gained would be from a placebo effect, I thought I knew what I was in for. This stuff not only kicked in about an hour later, but my opiate withdrawals subsided completely as well.

I'm telling you the absolute truth, this stuff felt better than any man made medicine. It was almost too good, but has some kind of natural 'turn-off' switch in your brain that let's you know when enough is enough. I am kicking myself for not having known that I could have very cheaply and effectively managed my heroin detox without going to a really very expensive heroin rehab.

This post was written for me by another recovering addict and I thought someone out there may wish to try this method. I know I have read a lot about it and people do claim that krantom leaves do ease the pain of opiate detox . If it works that is great but the key is once you get clean to stay clean. I would have this plan in place before I was through with my detox from heroin.

Devising a good opiate addiction recovery foundation

A good heroin addiction recovery plan can basically consist what works best for you. My plan consisted of attending NA meetings every day, calling my sponsor whether I felt like it or not. We need to learn how to call not only when we need help but when we are having a good day too.

I also implemented an exercise as part of my daily maintenance routine. I strongly recommend getting in the habit of doing some kind of exercise every day. I can only begin to scratch the surface as far as how good it makes me feel about myself.

Krantom leaves video

Do I need hydrocodone treatment

With prescription drug abuse becoming a bigger problem than alcoholism, there is a growing number of people in need of drug treatment. Hydrocodone is a powerful prescription painkiller, best known in the diluted form of Vicodin. It is the most widely prescribed opiate drug that can be found  in the United States, making it the most frequently abused medication, as well as easy for addicts to obtain on the streets too. Hydrocodone addiction treatment generally results from its extended use in order to manage pain, but used accordingly for short amounts of time, the drug is not dangerous.

When the user feels such a strong need to continue taking the pills that they start faking injuries or buying them off the street, it is a symptom of addiction, and maybe hydrocodone treatment should be sought immediately. If abused, this drug can have lethal side effects. Hydrocodone overdose can be fatal, especially when mixed with Acetaminophen.

Many painkillers made from Hydrocodone are sold in weaker forms, which is commonly done by combining it with Acetaminophen. Addiction can lead to accidental overdose, so it is incredibly important to seek help for the person experiencing addiction symptoms.

In order to recover from opiate addiction, the drug needs to be flushed from the body with opiate detox. This is most effectively done by completely cutting off use, allowing the body's natural cleansing process to remove it. Unfortunately, detoxing presents painful and uncomfortable symptoms, such as chills, stomach and digestive problems, tremors, excessive sweating, and anxiety. This process can last up to five days, sometimes more if the extent of the abuse is severe at this point the person could use some help maybe even drug rehab is an option here.

If the person is ready to take action to stop using hydrocodone. Treatment centers can help ease the discomfort of detoxing with non-addictive medication. Ultra rapid detox is a newer method of treatment, where the drug is flushed from the body in just a few hours while the user is unconscious. This is expensive, however, and still working through early stage glitches.

Detoxing in a hydrocodone addiction treatment center is the easiest, most effective way. After getting clean, it is important to make the appropriate lifestyle changes to lower the chances of a relapse. If managing pain is still an issue, speak with a doctor to find different methods of treatment. If the use was recreational, it is going to take a lot of self control and outside support.
Good luck

How to overcome hydrocodone addiciton

Addiction to the prescription drug, hydrocodone, is a growing epidemic in the United States, with usage quadrupling in the past ten years. Over two hundred different types of pain killers contain hydrocodone, while only drugs that contain pure hydrocodone are controlled with restricted use. Experts believe addiction to this prescription drug can happen within the first four weeks of ingesting a high dosage of hydrocodone. Most scientific data points to the key demographic being 20-40 year old, white females; however, all age and economic groups have reported deaths due to this kind of hydrocodone addiction.

Overcoming Hydrocodone addiction 

One way to overcome hydrocodoneaddiction  is a six-step method that does not require going to a rehabilitation center.
The first step is to taper off the medication gradually each week, as this will reduce the symptoms of withdrawal.

The second step is to prepare for the hydrocodone addiction symptoms of withdrawal, which can include intense cravings, mood swings, anger, physical sickness such as vomiting, and insomnia. These symptoms are difficult to deal with, so it is imperative that the addict surround him or herself with a strong support system of friends, family, and perhaps counselors.

The next step is to realize that relapse is a possibility and to always been on guard and learn how to get through hydrococone addiction plus be aware of cravings and urges to use the drug, especially if the addict is in a negative mood or not having a good day. Lastly, by maintaining a positive attitude and support system, the chances of overcoming the addiction are increased. Therefore, it is important that the addict believe in their ability to succeed.

Another method to fight hydrocodone addiction, depending on the extremity of the addiction, can include going to hydrocodone treatment for rehabilitation center for two to four months, where the addict is more closely watched and where a stronger support network is available for him or her. Although it is costly, this type of treatment might be better for some.
Now if this fails then your next option would be to go to hydrocodone addiction treatment. There you can be medically detoxed from the drug and have no concern about the withdrawal because you will be given medications to relive the pain.